
How To Schedule Tasks (& Actually Get Sh!t Done)

May 03, 20246 min read

"Long hours spent checking off a to-do list and ending the day with a full trash can and a clean desk are not virtuous and have nothing to do with success. Instead of a to-do list, you need a success list—a list that is purposefully created around extraordinary results." - Gary Keller, The One Thing

Why Time Blocking Beats To-Do Lists Every Time

Hey there, boss babe! Ready to kick some serious butt in the productivity department? Buckle up because we're about to dive into the holy grail of time management: time blocking.

Picture this: you've got a to-do list longer than the line at Starbucks on a Monday morning. You tackle one task, only to find yourself distracted by Instagram notifications, emails, and that incessant urge to reorganize your desk for the umpteenth time. Sound familiar? Don't sweat it, we've all been there.

But fear not, because I'm about to drop some truth bombs that'll revolutionize the way you tackle your day-to-day grind. Say goodbye to endless to-do lists and hello to the magic of time blocking.

To-Do Lists Are So Last Season

Let's get real for a sec. To-do lists are like that unreliable friend who always cancels plans last minute. Sure, they look pretty on paper, but when it comes down to actually getting stuff done, they're about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Why? Because to-do lists lack structure. They're like a free-for-all buffet where you pick and choose what tasks to tackle whenever you feel like it. And let's face it, more often than not, the tasks we dread end up getting pushed to the bottom of the list faster than you can say "procrastination."

Enter: Time Blocking

Time blocking is the game-changer you never knew you needed. It's like having a personal assistant who's got your back 24/7, keeping you on track and accountable for your time.

Here's the deal: instead of aimlessly jotting down tasks on a never-ending list, you allocate specific blocks of time in your day to tackle them head-on. Think of it as creating appointments with yourself to get stuff done. Genius, right?

How to Time Block Like a Boss

Now that you're sold on the idea of time blocking, let's break down how you can implement this game-changing strategy into your daily routine:

1. Audit Your Time: Before you dive headfirst into time blocking, take a good hard look at how you're currently spending your time. Track your activities for a few days to identify where you're wasting precious minutes (looking at you, Netflix binge).

2. Identify Your Priorities: Not all tasks are created equal. Figure out what's most important to your business and prioritize those tasks first. Whether it's client calls, content creation, or marketing, make sure these get prime real estate in your schedule.

3. Leverage Weekly Cycles. Consider pre-determining certain days of the week for certain work categories, so your brain can relax into the focus of that day. For instance, as CEO, I only take sales meetings on Tuesdays & Wednesdays, schedules all client calls for Thursdays, and uses Mondays for admin work (Fridays are for me, meaning whatever work I want to do, and a massage). Suddenly, my week becomes smooth and seamless, and I'm not switching directions mid-day.

4. Create Time Blocks: Designate specific chunks of time in your day for different types of tasks. For example, set aside mornings for creative work like content and marketing, afternoons for meetings and client calls, and evenings for admin tasks. Make sure you block time for relaxation and self-care, too, even if it is only the weekends!

5. Stick to the Plan: The key to effective time blocking? Consistency, baby. Treat your time blocks like non-negotiable appointments and stick to them like glue. Resist the urge to deviate from your schedule unless it's absolutely necessary.

6. Embrace Flexibility: While it's important to stick to your time blocks as much as possible, don't beat yourself up if life throws a curveball your way. Stay flexible and be willing to adjust your schedule when needed. There are some great tools to help you with maintaining a consistent yet agile workflow....

Tools of the Trade

Now that you're ready to conquer the world with your newfound time-blocking prowess, let's talk tools. Here are a few of my favorites to help you streamline your time-blocking game:

1. Sunsama: This powerhouse of an app is like the Swiss Army knife of productivity tools. With features like task management, calendar integration, and time tracking, Sunsama makes time blocking a breeze. Personally, I live by it, and after years of trying all the project, task, and time management tools known to man (from ClickUp to paper planners, sticky notes to emailing myself), Sunsama blew everything out of the water and changed our whole team's productivity game.

Click here to get your first month free!

2. Toggl, Rize, or RescueTime: If you're all about tracking your time down to the minute, these apps will be your new best friend. This handy app lets you log your hours with ease, making it a must-have for freelancers and solopreneurs alike. Also, great for managing teams & making sure everyone's on track.

3. Google Calendar: Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. Google Calendar is perfect for creating time blocks and setting reminders to keep you on track throughout the day.

The Power of "The One Thing"

Before we wrap up, let's talk about a concept that's guaranteed to take your time blocking game to the next level: "The One Thing," popularized by Gary Keller in his book, aptly titled The One Thing.

I fell in love with this book, and highly recommend the full read. But to share the core concept... "The One Thing" is all about effective prioritization. It challenges us to ask ourselves a simple yet profound question: "What's the one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?"

Think of it as the ultimate litmus test for your tasks. By identifying that one pivotal action that has the power to move the needle forward in a significant way, you're able to cut through the noise and focus your energy where it matters most.

So the next time you're crafting your time blocks, channel your inner Gary Keller and zero in on that one thing that will make all the difference. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, babe. Time blocking isn't just a productivity hack; it's a lifestyle. By ditching the to-do lists and embracing the power of time blocking, you'll reclaim your time like never before. So go ahead, seize the day, and watch your productivity soar to new heights. You've got this! 💪🏼

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Ali Turner

As a 3x founder/CEO by 25, Ali Turner's work has impacted thousands. Her primary focus is Satva, a creative tech agency that makes systems sexy, elevating personal brands through visionary aesthetics, state-of-the-art business processes, and revolutionary strategies. Ali is also the host of CEO Frequency, a podcast that peels back the veil on thriving CEOs to reveal how they run their successful, 6-7+ figure businesses (and more importantly, their lives). Ali loves to share her knowledge on all things entrepreneurship, business growth, self-development, money mindset, automation and systemization, feminine leadership, and how to navigate building one's vision in an ever-changing online landscape. 🚀

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