10 Habits of Successful Women

Top 10 Habits of Successful Women in Biz

May 06, 20246 min read

Master Your Routine... Habits For Productivity & Wellness 🌱

Let's talk about habits, shall we? You know, those little things that can make or break our days, our businesses, and heck, even our sanity sometimes. I get it; forming habits can be a challenge. But fear not, my friends, because we're here to drop some gold and help you turn those chaotic days into a well-oiled machine of productivity, wellness, and balance.

So grab your favorite mug of motivation (matcha lattes, anyone?), and let's dive in!

How To Form Habits

Start Small But Think Big

✅ Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are your habits. Start with tiny, manageable changes that you can stick to without feeling overwhelmed. Want to start meditating? Begin with just 5 minutes a day and work your way up. Break big goals into smaller milestones. It's easier to stay on track when you're ticking off bite-sized achievements along the way.

Stack Habits To Form Routines

✅ Stack your habits like a boss! Pair a new habit you want to adopt with something you already do consistently. For example, do a quick stretch session every morning right after you brush your teeth. This way, you're piggybacking off existing habits, making it easier to integrate new ones seamlessly into your routine.

Reward Yourself.

✅ Who doesn't love a good reward? Treat yourself for sticking to your habits, whether it's a $7 latte, a bubble bath, or binge-watching your favorite show guilt-free. Just remember, rewards should reinforce positive behavior, not derail your progress. So, maybe skip the entire pint of ice cream and opt for a scoop or two instead, or set a smart spending limit on your self-indulgent shopping spree!

Which Habits Matter Most?

💤 Habit #1. Consistent Sleep Schedule.

Sleep is the ultimate productivity hack. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends. Your body and brain will thank you for it.

Create a bedtime ritual to signal to your brain that it's time to wind down. Think cozy pajamas, a good book, and maybe some lavender-scented candles.

And make sure you're optimizing your sleep space for the highest quality Z's... check out "Why Sleep Is Your Sexiest Friend" for more tips on improving your sleep schedule & quality.

🧠 Habit #2. Prioritize Deep Work.

Block out distractions and tackle your most important tasks during your peak productivity hours. For many, that's first thing in the morning when your brain is fresh and ready to slay.

Turn off notifications, put your phone on airplane mode, and dive deep into your work. You'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish when you're in the zone.

You may have heard the phrase, "eat the frog," and while we see frogs as friends not food, it's a decent metaphor to encourage us to do the hardest thing first. Imagine the feeling when it's 10am and you've already gotten your biggest, most dreaded task checked off your to-do list.

👟 Habit #3. Move Your Body, Boo:

Physical activity isn't just good for your bod; it's a game-changer for your productivity and mental clarity too. Whether it's a brisk walk, a new pilates class with a friend, or a dance party in your living room, get that blood pumping!

When you get moving, your body starts pumping out feel-good chemicals like endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin for that natural, mood-boosting high. Plus, exercise releases brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), which supports growth & maintenance of neurons, improving cognitive function. So, basically, exercise is like a double-shot espresso for your body and brain.

Schedule regular movement breaks throughout your day to avoid the dreaded slump. Your body and brain will thank you for the midday pick-me-up.

💦 Habit #4. Hydrate Like It's Your Side Hustle:

Water is life, friends. Seriously, staying hydrated is non-negotiable for optimal brain function and overall well-being, helping you stay focused, alert, and on top of your game. Think of water as fuel for your brain – without it, you're running on empty.

Invest in a cute water bottle (glass is best for your body; avoid plastics) and keep it by your side at all times. Bonus points if you infuse it with some fancy fruit or herbs for extra flavor. Mint + cucumber is our office fave!

⏳ Habit #5. Time Blocking for the Win:

Say goodbye to endless to-do lists and hello to time blocking! Schedule dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks and stick to them like glue.

This not only helps you stay focused and organized but also ensures you're making progress on your most important priorities.

Check out our post about time-blocking tips & tricks for the easiest ways to streamline your work.

📝 Habit #6. Write Your Goals Down Daily:

The power of putting pen to paper is real, my friends. Write down your goals, intentions, and vision to hold yourself accountable and keep your north star top of mind.

Writing down your goals is like giving them a VIP pass to success! When you put your goals on paper, you're not just dreaming; you're committing to making them happen. It's like creating a roadmap for your dreams, keeping you focused, motivated, and accountable along the way.

Plus, there's something magical about seeing your goals written out – it makes them feel real and achievable, turning your dreams into actionable plans. So grab that pen and paper and start manifesting your wildest dreams!

👁️ Habit #7. Visualize Your Success:

Close your eyes and envision your goals as if they've already come to fruition. Picture yourself crushing that presentation, signing that client, or hitting that revenue milestone.

Visualization isn't just woo-woo; it's a powerful tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind and manifesting your dreams into reality.

🙏🏽 Habit #8. Feel + Express Gratitude:

Practicing gratitude is like flexing your happiness muscle. It shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant in your life, fostering a positive mindset that's essential for resilience, creativity, and overall well-being.

When you're grateful for what you have, you attract more goodness into your life and business, creating a ripple effect of positivity that fuels your success.

📚 Habit #9. Read Ten Pages Of A Nonfiction Book:

Reading is like a shortcut to wisdom. By devouring books, you're tapping into the collective knowledge and experiences of some of the greatest minds in history.

Whether it's business books, biographies, or self-help guides, reading exposes you to new ideas, perspectives, and strategies that can inspire innovation, spark creativity, and propel your business forward.

Plus, it's a form of self-care that nourishes your mind, expands your horizons, and keeps you sharp as a visionary CEO.

🧘🏼‍♀ Habit #10. Daily Meditation:

Meditation is like hitting the reset button for your brain. In today's fast-paced world, female entrepreneurs juggle a million things at once, which can leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and frazzled.

By practicing mindfulness and meditation, you learn to quiet the chatter of your mind, tune into the present moment, and cultivate inner peace and clarity. It's like a mental gym workout that strengthens your focus, resilience, and emotional well-being, empowering you to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship with grace and ease.

Phew! That was a sh*t ton of gold... and certainly worth as much or more. I hope you're feeling inspired and ready to kick some serious butt in the habit department. Remember, forming habits takes time, patience, and a whole lot of self-love, so be kind to yourself along the way.

Now go forth and conquer, my fellow boss babes! Your future self will thank you for it. ✨



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Ali Turner

As a 3x founder/CEO by 25, Ali Turner's work has impacted thousands. Her primary focus is Satva, a creative tech agency that makes systems sexy, elevating personal brands through visionary aesthetics, state-of-the-art business processes, and revolutionary strategies. Ali is also the host of CEO Frequency, a podcast that peels back the veil on thriving CEOs to reveal how they run their successful, 6-7+ figure businesses (and more importantly, their lives). Ali loves to share her knowledge on all things entrepreneurship, business growth, self-development, money mindset, automation and systemization, feminine leadership, and how to navigate building one's vision in an ever-changing online landscape. 🚀

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