Dopamine levels decrease significantly during a dopamine detox.

Why Sleep is Your Sexiest Friend

April 29, 20246 min read

“Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.” – Beyonce

Why Sleep Is Your Sexiest Friend (Yes, Even For Entrepreneurs!)

YOU are the star of this story — the hard-working entrepreneur who's used to getting up before the sun and tackling your to-do list before most people have even opened their eyes. But on this particular Sunday morning, you wake up feeling like a new person.

The overnight sounds of raindrops gently tapping on your window created the perfect ambiance for a peaceful and refreshing night's sleep. As you open your eyes, you notice the beautiful and serene surroundings that have gone unnoticed for quite some time, due to your busy schedule. The soft light coming through the window creates a warm and inviting glow, and there’s a cool breeze flowing through the room that is ohhh-so-refreshing. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and you smile, knowing that this is going to be a great day.

You take a deep breath and develop a new appreciation for the smell of wet soil and freshly cut grass. Then you stretch your arms and they softly land on your favorite sheets and the warmth of your comforter. The paintings on your wall seem to come alive with the vibrant colors and intricate details. You realize that for the first time in a long time, you are truly relaxed and present in the moment, and you know this feeling will carry with you throughout the day.

It may seem like a no-brainer that sleep is beneficial, because we’ve all experienced a time when sleep deprivation proved to be no bueno for us humans. But when you’re creating, launching and running a business, who has time to sleep?!

It’s easy for entrepreneurial endeavors to spin into ‘passionate mad-scientist’ vibes real fast — staying up til the wee hours working away on your craft — the adrenaline is high and you’re feeling energized and motivated. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead!”, you exclaim as your loved ones advise you to rest and reset.

Although that attitude is kinda badass, that pattern of sleeplessness will eventually kick your ass.

Sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions. When we miss sleep in order to keep up with our 24/7 world, we pay a price with our ability to learn, our health and safety, our personal success, and our quality of life.

To help you avoid kicking your own ass, we’ve compiled a list of tips to assist you during your entrepreneurial journey and beyond.

Remember: High Quality Sleep = High Quality Work.

What’s So Sexy About Sleep?

✍️ Sleep improves productivity and concentration — aka, kicking ass on the regular without burning out because you’re sleeping like a champ!

🧑‍🚒 Quality sleep enhances creativity & problem-solving skills: we all know running a business comes with a firefighter’s helmet, so your ability to respond to crises from a place of calm, clarity, and creativity is more important as an entrepreneur than ever before.

💦 Sleep regulates the production and release of hormones crucial for stress management, tissue repair, metabolism, and appetite regulation. Yes, you read that right — disruptions in sleep patterns can lead to gaining or losing weight, mood swings, and higher stress levels. Hormones control everything in our bodies — you’ll want to keep them in check!

⚽ Sleep boosts athletic performance (and you can think of your work as a sport): speed, accuracy, reaction times, and mental wellbeing are all vital to business success. Your business is your arena and without sleep, it’s impossible to perform at your peak.

🧠 You want to market yourself without sounding arrogant, right? Sleep boosts social & emotional intelligence, so son't deprive yourself (or others) of these energies! Get some sleep so you can read the room like a champ.

🤒 The less you sleep, the weaker your immune system. Don’t wait until an illness forces you to rest, because we’ve all been there and it’s not fun.

🫀 We all have those days when we’re in a slump, but sleep is a powerful tool for boosting resilience, fighting off depression, and spurring a positive shift, even when the odds seem stacked against us!

How to Prepare for The Sleepiest Sleep You’ve Ever Slept

🌅 Reflect on your current routines — are they conducive to a good night’s sleep? Are you winding down at night, or are you waking your brain up with Netflix and doomscrolling? Do you wake near sunrise and get that morning light exposure, or are you sleeping late into the day? Think about how you can align your circadian rhythm with the rhythms of nature: night & day, sunrise & sunset.

🛏️ Create an environment that your REM cycles can thrive in: keep your bedroom clean, tidy, and most importantly, cozy — whatever that means for you :) Also, science has shown us that a pitch black sleeping environment means we get the best possible Z’s, so order some blackout curtains and turn out those lights.

👓 Wear blue light blocking glasses as much as possible while using your devices — most importantly in the evenings! If possible, best to avoid screen time after 9pm. Our bodies are influenced by exposure to different colors of light. However, blue light, in particular, disrupts this cycle by interfering with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for inducing sleep. So, while all light impacts your circadian rhythm, it's the blue light that wreaks havoc on your body's ability to prepare for a restful night's sleep.

Caffeine control: Yeah, I said it! High-quality sleep reduces the need for caffeine. Make 3pm your caffeine cut off time so your body has time to process what you’ve consumed before you hit the hay.

👟 Daily exercise and movement are vital for sound sleep because they help regulate your body's natural circadian rhythm, promote relaxation, and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Engaging in physical activity also — no surprise — tires your body out, making it easier to fall asleep and experience deeper, more restorative, and high quality sleep cycles.

In the whirlwind of entrepreneurship, where hustle reigns supreme, the significance of quality sleep often gets lost in the fray. Yet when you wake from a perfect night sleep, feeling like a million bucks in the making, the transformative power of rest becomes unmistakable.

Sleep isn't a mere luxury; it's a cornerstone of productivity, creativity, and emotional resilience. From deeper concentration to stronger immune function, the benefits of prioritizing sleep are endless. So, amidst the chaos of business endeavors, remember that sleep isn't just essential—it's your ultimate ally, empowering you to navigate each day with clarity, energy, and boundless potential.



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