The chemical that can make-or-break entrepreneurs

Sexy vs. Not-So-Sexy Dopamine

April 30, 20244 min read

"Dopamine is not about the pursuit of happiness, it is about the happiness of pursuit." -Dr. Robert Sapolsky

Sexy vs. Not-So-Sexy Dopamine

So you’re a driven entrepreneur, full-send in your wealthy girl era, building an empire that constantly forces you to learn and evolve. Lately you’ve been dialing in on wellness… and realize your hormone health has a huge impact on your energy levels. (Which we all know matter, when we’re day-dreaming about that 3pm latte run).

That’s why our current fascination is the big D word - dopamine - the hormone/neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in motivation, pleasure, and reward. Sounds sexy, right?! More of that, please!

But, there’s also the not-so-sexy side of dopamine, and it’s so vital to know the difference. Because sexy dopamine means your energy is consistently stoked, your afternoon fatigue vanishes, and your brain drops into flow every time you tap into your deepest work. But the dark side of dopamine can create distraction, overwhelm, and (dare we say the B word)… burnout.

The two types of dopamine are natural dopamine and artificial dopamine... obviously, your goal is the former.

Natural dopamine is produced by the body in response to healthy habits like regular exercise, meaningful social interactions, and achieving your goals. Artificial dopamine is triggered by not-so-healthy habits like constantly checking social media, playing mindless video games, and slamming that junk food (especially after about 9pm… why does binging Sex and the City bring on such salt cravings?!?)

This mayyy sound a bit extreme, but here’s the good news.

By embracing a holistic approach to well-being, you can harness the positive aspects of dopamine while mitigating its potential downsides.

You know we love simplicity… so here are are two simple lists of examples + tips for how to boost natural dopamine, as well as the sources of artificial dopamine that should be reduced or eliminated from your precious life.

Choose your dopamine hits wisely, my friends!

Sexy Dopamine (Natural):

❤️ Love + Forgiveness (Cuddling with loved ones is a great way to cultivate this!)

🏃‍♀️ Exercise and daily movement (and no, it doesn’t have to be high intensity every time)

🛁 Self-care, taking time off, being alone with yourself

🌙 High-quality sleep

🥰 Laughter and enjoying the little things in life

🎨 Hobbies that engage your creativity — pursue something meaningful to you

🎧 Listening to music that uplifts you

📖 Reading books that inspire you

⛰️ Seeking out new, positive experiences

🦄 Building new friendships

🥑 Consuming nourishing, wholesome foods - related blog post coming soon - Healthy & Easy Meal Prep for Entrepreneurs

🧘‍♀️ Meditation + breath work + gratitude practices

☀️ Sun exposure — get that vitamin D!

🌿 Connect with nature and breathe fresh air every day

🤝 Teamwork makes the dream work

Not-So-Sexy Dopamine (Artificial):

🍬 Instant gratification

💭 Over-planning as an excuse to prolong execution

☕Over-consuming caffeine

🍸Drugs and alcohol — The reason you feel good when consuming mind-altering substances is because they quickly spike your dopamine levels. But as the good sir Isaac Newton once said, “What goes up must come down” - this applies to dopamine, too! Unnatural fluctuations of your brain chemicals can have a negative ripple effect beyond the next day’s hangover.

😐 Porn - need I say more?

🍩Reduce the amount of salty & sugary “junk” foods you consume — soda, potato chips, energy drinks, candy — aka processed foods.

🤳 Excess screen time and notification bombardment — set your phone limits to block certain apps close to bedtime (thank you Opal!), or first thing when you wake up. Our brains are most susceptible to influences at these times of day.

💬Too much time on social media — cut back a little. We know, it’s not easy in a world where social media offers everything and feels limitless (plus you’re probably using it to build your business, right? So it’s justified). But unfortunately, constant exposure is detrimental to our growth. We can’t rely on ourselves if we fully rely on technology. The endless FOMO, comparison syndrome, and desire for more likes, comments, and attention is not healthy.

☢️Fake and toxic relationships: read your energy — does spending time with that person uplift you, or drain your energy? Enough said.

Interested in a Dopamine Detox to help you get back on track?

Try eliminating 3 of the not-so-sexy dopamine producers above, and commit to incorporating one new sexy dopamine-boost per week for the next month. Watch your life change in 30 days (or less!)

As you continue to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape, make a conscious effort to prioritize natural dopamine sources and limit exposure to artificial triggers. By doing so, you should find greater resilience, sustained motivation, and a clearer sense of purpose in your endeavors.

Understanding and managing dopamine levels is not only crucial for entrepreneurs but for everyone striving to lead a fulfilling and balanced life. The choices we make and the content we consume can significantly impact our well-being and overall success.

You got this, babe!



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